Bringing Home a Shy New Cat – A Guide to Uncovering Their Hiding Spots

Bringing a new feline friend home is an exciting experience, but it can also be daunting if your new companion is hiding away. Understanding the reasons why cats hide and implementing the right strategies can help you coax them out of their sanctuary.

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Understanding a Cat’s Hiding Tendency

Cats are naturally cautious creatures, and hiding is a protective instinct that can be triggered by various factors. Fear, stress, anxiety, and unfamiliar surroundings can all lead to a cat seeking a safe haven. Additionally, some cats may have experienced negative experiences in the past, which can reinforce their tendency to hide.

Create a Welcoming Environment

To make your new cat feel comfortable and reduce their hiding behavior, create a welcoming and stress-free environment. Provide plenty of hiding spots, such as cardboard boxes, cat caves, or pet beds. Ensure these spots are secluded and away from areas where the cat may feel vulnerable.

Diffuse calming pheromones throughout your home. These pheromones mimic natural chemicals released by cats when they are feeling safe and secure. Using a pheromone diffuser can help reduce anxiety and entice your feline friend out of hiding.

Offer Patience and Avoid Punishment

When trying to get your new cat out of hiding, patience is key. Avoid punishing or scolding them, as this will only make them more fearful and reluctant to come out. Instead, approach them calmly and slowly, giving them time to adjust to your presence.

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Resist the urge to constantly pursue your cat. Let them come to you on their own terms. If they do venture out, reward them with treats and praise, reinforcing positive behavior.

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Rule out Medical Issues

In some cases, underlying medical issues can contribute to a cat’s hiding behavior. If your cat has a history of illness or injury, consult with your veterinarian to rule out any potential health conditions that may be affecting their comfort or well-being.

Time and Consistency

Getting a new cat out of hiding takes time and consistency. There is no magic formula that will work overnight. Be patient, provide a welcoming environment, and offer plenty of opportunities for your feline friend to feel safe and secure. Gradually, they will gain confidence and emerge from their hiding spots.

FAQs on Getting a New Cat Out of Hiding

  • Q: Why is my cat hiding?
  • A: Cats hide for various reasons, including fear, stress, anxiety, unfamiliar surroundings, or underlying medical issues.
  • Q: What should I do if my cat is hiding?
  • A: Create a welcoming environment, offer patience, avoid punishment, and rule out medical issues.
  • Q: How long does it take for a cat to come out of hiding?
  • A: The time varies depending on the cat’s personality and experiences. Be patient and provide a consistent and safe environment.
  • Q: Should I force my cat out of hiding?
  • A: No, forcing your cat out of hiding will only worsen the situation. Respect their need for security.

How To Get New Cat Out Of Hiding


Bringing a new cat home can be an unforgettable experience. However, dealing with a shy cat that refuses to emerge from hiding can be challenging. By understanding the reasons why cats hide, creating a welcoming environment, and offering patience and support, you can help your feline companion overcome their fears and build a lasting bond with you.

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So, tell us, have you ever had a new cat that loved to hide? What strategies did you use to coax them out of their sanctuary?

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