Getting Keyboard Input in Unity – A Comprehensive Guide


In the realm of interactive entertainment, the ability to control virtual worlds with user input is essential. Keyboard input is a fundamental tool for this purpose, allowing players to interact with the game environment, navigate menus, and perform a wide range of actions. Today, we embark on a comprehensive exploration of keyboard input in Unity, a popular game engine renowned for its versatility and accessibility.

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Unity Input Framework

Unity provides a robust input framework that enables developers to handle keyboard input effectively. The key classes involved in this process are:

  • InputManager: The central hub for managing all input, including keyboard input.

  • Keyboard: The class that provides access to keyboard events and key states.

  • KeyCode: An enumeration representing the various keyboard keys.

Key States

Unity tracks the state of individual keys using a series of boolean properties on the Keyboard class. These properties include:

  • GetKey(KeyCode): Returns true if the specified key is currently held down.

  • GetKeyDown(KeyCode): Returns true only the first frame the specified key is pressed down.

  • GetKeyUp(KeyCode): Returns true only the first frame the specified key is released.

Example Code

Let’s dive into some code examples to illustrate how these concepts are applied practically. Imagine we have a simple script attached to a player object that controls movement based on keyboard input. The code below captures keyboard input for the left and right arrow keys:


using UnityEngine;

public class PlayerMovement : MonoBehaviour

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private void Update()

if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftArrow))

// Move left

else if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightArrow))

// Move right

In this example, the script checks for the LeftArrow and RightArrow keys in the Update method. When the left arrow is pressed, the player moves left. Similarly, pressing the right arrow triggers movement to the right.

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Advanced Techniques

Beyond basic key states, Unity supports more advanced keyboard input techniques, such as:

  • Multi-key Combos: Detecting combinations of keys pressed simultaneously.

  • Input Mapping: Customizing keyboard shortcuts to specific actions.

  • Axis Input: Translating key input into analog values for smooth movement control.

Challenges and Troubleshooting

While keyboard input is generally straightforward, developers may encounter occasional challenges:

  • Keyboard Layouts: Different keyboard layouts can affect key mapping and require special handling.

  • Input Blocking: Ensure that other scripts or UI elements are not blocking keyboard input.

  • Cross-Platform Input: Handle input consistency across multiple platforms with different keyboard configurations.

How To Get Keyboard Input In Unity


Mastering keyboard input in Unity is crucial for developing interactive and engaging games. By leveraging the techniques discussed in this article, developers can effectively translate player actions into in-game consequences. Remember to conduct thorough testing on different platforms and keyboard layouts to ensure a seamless user experience. With the knowledge and guidance provided here, you are well-equipped to harness the power of keyboard input and create truly immersive virtual worlds.

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