How to Get a 504 Plan in Illinois – A Comprehensive Guide

For many students with disabilities, a 504 Plan can mean the difference between struggling and succeeding in school. A 504 Plan is a legal document that outlines the accommodations and supports a student needs to access their education on an equal basis with their peers. If you think your child may need a 504 Plan, it’s important to understand the process of how to request and obtain one in Illinois.

What Is a 504 Plan? What Teachers and Parents Need To Know

In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide to getting a 504 Plan in Illinois, including information on eligibility, the evaluation process, and what to do if your request is denied. We will also provide resources to help you throughout the process.

Eligibility for a 504 Plan in Illinois

To be eligible for a 504 Plan, a student must have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities.

Major life activities include:

  • Learning
  • Speaking
  • Seeing
  • Hearing
  • Socializing
  • Working
  • Walking
  • Sitting
  • Standing
  • Lifting

The impairment does not have to be permanent or severe, but it must be more than a temporary condition.

Requesting a 504 Plan in Illinois

If you think your child may need a 504 Plan, you should start by talking to your child’s teacher. The teacher can help you assess your child’s needs and determine if a 504 Plan is appropriate.

If you decide to request a 504 Plan, you will need to complete a request form. The request form can be found on the website of your child’s school district or the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE).

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Once you have completed the request form, you will need to submit it to your child’s school principal.

Evaluation Process for a 504 Plan in Illinois

Once you have submitted a request for a 504 Plan, the school district will have to conduct an evaluation to determine if your child is eligible for a 504 Plan.

The evaluation will include:

  • A review of your child’s medical records
  • Observations of your child in the classroom and other settings
  • Interviews with your child, your child’s teachers, and other professionals who work with your child

The evaluation will take approximately 60 days to complete.

How to Secure a 504 Plan: A Step-by-Step Guide

Developing the 504 Plan in Illinois

If your child is determined to be eligible for a 504 Plan, the school district will work with you to develop a plan that outlines the accommodations and supports your child needs to access their education on an equal basis with their peers.

The plan may include accommodations such as:

  • Extended time on tests
  • Preferential seating
  • Note-taking assistance
  • Access to assistive technology
  • Modifications to assignments and tests

The plan will be reviewed and revised as needed each year.

Denials of a 504 Plan in Illinois

If your request for a 504 Plan is denied, you have the right to appeal the decision.

To appeal the decision, you must submit a written request to the school district’s superintendent within 10 days of receiving the decision.

The superintendent will then conduct a review of the decision. The superintendent’s decision is final.

How To Get A 504 Plan In Illinois


The following resources can help you learn more about 504 Plans in Illinois:

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